Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gingerbread Fun

We have spent the last few weeks having some Gingerbread fun! We read several versions of the Gingerbread Man. The kiddos especially loved the Gingerbread Baby and the Gingerbread Cowboy! We created our own versions of the Gingerbread man and wrote some great stories to go with them. One of my favorites was the Gingerbread Mom. The best part of the story is when the mom saves the gingerbread girl from the fox...cause mom always saves the day!

On the last day of our Gingerbread unit we celebrated by baking homemade gingerbread cookies! The children loved decorating them... and eating them too!


Hello everyone!
I am super excited to be starting this amazing blog!
I am so eager to share all the crazy and fun stuff we are doing in preschool...
I hope it turns out super cute!
Have patience with me... I'm just learning this!
~Miss Wendy