Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Visit from a fireman

We had such a treat today! One of our preschoolers has a "fireman" dad! Austin's dad Ryan brought his fireman gear and his truck to our school today. He showed us all the parts of his truck and actually let us climb in! Some preschoolers were a little nervous but everyone really enjoyed it! He also taught us some fire safety rules and what to do if we are is a house that's on fire or if we see a fireman!
It was so great and very interesting for the children!
Thank you Ryan!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bring a Teddy ~ Shape Picnic

We celebrated the great weather we were still having by going out for a picnic. All the children got to bring a stuffed animal friend from home. First we went out to the field and laid out a blankey. Then we sat together and had a super "shapey" lunch. We had circle pb&j sandwiches, triangle cheesy chips, rectangle juice boxes, and square brownies. It was a really great day to hang out and enjoy the last bit of nice weather.